
What is a Workspace?

Workspaces allow you to ensure the confidentiality of documents between your users or reflect the organization of your company (departments, subsidiaries, agencies...).

A Workspace can only be created on the application by users with theOwner role as detailed in this step-by-step guide.

On the application, only users added to a Workspace can access the Signature Requests stored in this Workspace.

Associate a Signature Request to a Workspace

When you create a Signature Request, two options are available:

  • You create a Signature Request without specifying the Workspace.
  • You create a Signature Request in a specific Workspace.

Create a Signature Request without specifying the Workspace

    "name": "A new Signature Request created without specifying a Workspace",
    "delivery_mode": "email",
    "timezone": "Europe/Paris",

In this case, the Signature Request will be stored in the oldest active workspace. This is usually the default workspace created when you create your account.

Create a Signature Request in a specific Workspace

    "name": "A new Signature Request created in a specific Workspace",
    "delivery_mode": "email",
    "timezone": "Europe/Paris",

In this case, the Signature Request will be stored in the Workspace with the id 05fcb9e6-f153-4134-8967-eb39b6d02104.


Be careful when adding Signers to a Signature Request.

  • As detailed in this page, Signers can be created from scratch, from a Contact, or from a User.
  • If you add a Signer from a Contact or an User, they should already be in the same Workspace.

How can I retrieve theworkspace_id?

  1. Log in to the application using the owner account.
  2. Go to this page :
  3. Click on a Workspace
  4. Copy the workspace_id from the URL as shown below ⬇️